Hydrogen supplementation and corrosion of the engine
The engine naturally processes millions of liters of air that contains large amounts of water with no problems or issues.
HHO contributes only a very insignificant amount of moisture that will not corrode the engine.
Read more:
Facts about the use of hydrogen in vehicles
Setup and operation of HHO equipment, safety, compatibility
Results of NASA’ s experiments with hydrogen in internal combustion engines
Engine carbon cleaning services vs hydrogen on demand generators
Effect of Hydrogen HHO on Emissions
How to convert engines to use hydrogen as primary fuel
What happens when too much hydrogen is supplied to an engine
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Hydrogen HHO and corrosion of the engine
The engine naturally processes millions of liters of air that contains large amounts of water with no problems or issues.
HHO contributes only a very insignificant amount of moisture that will not corrode the engine.
Better Fuel Technology
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Better Fuel Technology
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